June 10, 2014

long parsing time issue: bundles of SQLs cost 10+ seconds to do a hard parse

One database, after migrating to, customer started to complain the performance was much slower than before.
After checking, we saw for most SQLs, the execution speed was fast while the parsing time was too long.

I took one SQL as example, ran it multiple times to ensure there was no physical read:

no rows selected
Elapsed: 00:00:00.11
0 recursive calls
0 db block gets
2761 consistent gets
0 physical reads
0 redo size
16589 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
513 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
1 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
3 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
0 rows processed

Then I added hint /*hard parse by me*/ to force a hard parse, still there was no physical read:
no rows selected
Elapsed: 00:00:03.73
22 recursive calls
0 db block gets
2767 consistent gets
0 physical reads
0 redo size
16589 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
513 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
1 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
3 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
0 rows processed

Without parsing, the execution time was 0.11 second,but with parsing, the SQL cost 3.73 seconds.
There was no lock/mutex/latch/pin contention in database and server load was low.

Below query shew for many SQLs, a single hard parsing cost even more than 50 seconds:

  ROWNUM <= 10; 
------------- ----------------------
63n9pwutt8yzw              223279.79
8pduputnkhukx              174644.33
gg9m2b0hjky1y              161064.91
g0vn88sqftx3c               66367.09
bbvy8xjs7gjgj               64747.76
7bgzzkwsqr6hc               63303.48
bzhxncjcy1k96               61963.71
8y387dwxggn5t               57265.29
1f25j21vvfv10               54766.09
0br8s1y3ma0qr               53578.61

This was a very complicated hospital system. Though Bind Variables was in use, still large amount of hard parse were inevitable. 
 For instance, to querying a patient's report, doctors could use any combinations of below filter's : 
1. patient ID 
2. patient name 
3. patient walk in date 
4. surgery name 
5. surgery date 
6. doctor's name 
7. doctor's ID 
8. disease type 
9. severity of disease 
10. hospitalized or not 
11. Body Scan type:MRI/XRAY 
There are numerous combinations and each one could generate a new SQL therefore a hard parse. 

 Due to 11g new feature ACS, even for one same SQL, when the variables are different, it can generated multiple different child cursors(hard parse) as well. 
To minimize the count of hard parse, I set below parameters to disable ACS:
SQL> show parameter cursor
NAME                                   TYPE       VALUE
-------------------------------------- --------- ----------------------
_optimizer_adaptive_cursor_sharing     boolean   FALSE
_optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing     string    NONE
_optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing_rel string    NONE

After setting above parameters, the total parse count reduced 80% percent and the overall performance was much better. 
But still,the long consuming time for each single parsing was not reduced, customer may still encounter a slowness now and then if one SQL fell into a hard parse. 

Let's analyze the long parsing time issue. 
Here is an SQL trace:
call    count  cpu      elapsed    disk       query      current    rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse   1      0.01     0.00       0          0          0          0
Execute 1      3.30     3.30       0          6          0          0
Fetch   1      0.00     0.00       0          59         0          0
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total   3      3.31     3.31       0          65         0          0

Misses in library cache during parse: 1
Misses in library cache during execute: 1
Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
Parsing user id: 36 
Number of plan statistics captured: 1

And here is 10046 raw trace:
PARSING IN CURSOR #18446744071468120416 len=14352 dep=0 uid=36 oct=3 lid=36 tim=40253210782553 hv=3244419326 ad='7a995e8c8' sqlid='d228z5m0q3u7y'
PARSE #18446744071468120416:c=10000,e=9046,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=0,og=1,plh=0,tim=40253210782549
WAIT #18446744071468120416: nam='SQL*Net message to client' ela= 6 driver id=1413697536 #bytes=1 p3=0 obj#=49430 tim=40253213924594
WAIT #18446744071468120416: nam='SQL*Net more data to client' ela= 184 driver id=1413697536 #bytes=8145 p3=0 obj#=49430 tim=40253213934106
WAIT #18446744071468120416: nam='SQL*Net message from client' ela= 38091 driver id=1413697536 #bytes=1 p3=0 obj#=49430 tim=40253213972419
EXEC #18446744071468120416:c=3310000,e=3313604,p=0,cr=6,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=0,og=1,plh=1738446058,tim=40253217287241
WAIT #18446744071468120416: nam='SQL*Net message to client' ela= 6 driver id=1413697536 #bytes=1 p3=0 obj#=49430 tim=40253217289638
WAIT #18446744071468120416: nam='SQL*Net more data to client' ela= 181 driver id=1413697536 #bytes=8145 p3=0 obj#=49430 tim=40253217299453
WAIT #18446744071468120416: nam='SQL*Net message from client' ela= 3096 driver id=1413697536 #bytes=1 p3=0 obj#=49430 tim=40253217302788
FETCH #18446744071468120416:c=0,e=3601,p=0,cr=59,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=0,og=1,plh=1738446058,tim=40253217306558
WAIT #18446744071468120416: nam='SQL*Net message to client' ela= 5 driver id=1413697536 #bytes=1 p3=0 obj#=49430 tim=40253217311918
WAIT #18446744071468120416: nam='SQL*Net message from client' ela= 22854 driver id=1413697536 #bytes=1 p3=0 obj#=49430 tim=40253217334883

From above red part, the major running time was not consumed at fetch, but execute. To narrow out the influence of bind peeking, I used explain plan for to analyze SQL with only bind variables:
explain plan for select /*hard47*/ .......
WHERE NVL(QPQD_EX_KEY,:"SYS_B_60") > :"SYS_B_61"  AND   a.QPQD_AP_PATKEY = :1    
Elapsed: 00:00:03.66

Still the SQL cost 3 seconds to parse with out bind peeking.
To make our test more clear, I found a new SQL, and this new SQL cost 13 seconds to parse.

We know some CBO parameters can limit choices when calculating execution plan during a hard parse.
Here is the result for the 13 seconds parsing SQL after we set different values for parameter OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE:


When OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE=, the parse time was13 seconds, while, the parsing time was only 0.82 seconds. 
 Next I tested optimizer_mode, and as what I had thought, when OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE was11.2.0.3, after set optimizer_mode to RULE, the parse time reduced to 0.5 second. 

 But, in a production environment, we can't simply downgrade OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE to or changing optimizer_mode to RULE, as these two parameters influenced too much.
I wanted to find a specific parameter that particular to address this long parse problem.

Then I made 10053 trace to analyze the process of SQL parse.
The 10053 trace file was 44MB which was normal, because if SQL parsing cost 13 seconds, and 10053 trace file was only a few hundreds KB, then there must be something wrong.

Let's look into the structure of the 10053 trace file:

pacsrd1212 $ cat  QPROD_ora_8456_10053.trc|grep -i "permutations tried"|grep -v "permutations tried: 1"
Number of join permutations tried: 2
Number of join permutations tried: 6
Number of join permutations tried: 52
Number of join permutations tried: 2
Number of join permutations tried: 3
Number of join permutations tried: 3
Number of join permutations tried: 3
Number of join permutations tried: 499
Number of join permutations tried: 84
Number of join permutations tried: 2
Number of join permutations tried: 3
Number of join permutations tried: 3
Number of join permutations tried: 3
Number of join permutations tried: 798
Number of join permutations tried: 84
Number of join permutations tried: 80
Number of join permutations tried: 2
Number of join permutations tried: 3
Number of join permutations tried: 3
Number of join permutations tried: 3
Number of join permutations tried: 499
Number of join permutations tried: 84
Number of join permutations tried: 451
Number of join permutations tried: 483
Number of join permutations tried: 84
Number of join permutations tried: 2
Number of join permutations tried: 6
Number of join permutations tried: 52
Number of join permutations tried: 435
Number of join permutations tried: 84

And below was another 10053 trace file while OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE = '', the size of which was only 2M while parsing time was within 1 second:
pacsrd1212 $ cat QPROD_ora_7830_10053_2.trc|grep -i "permutations tried"|grep -v "permutations tried: 1"
Number of join permutations tried: 2
Number of join permutations tried: 6
Number of join permutations tried: 20
Number of join permutations tried: 2
Number of join permutations tried: 3
Number of join permutations tried: 3
Number of join permutations tried: 3
Number of join permutations tried: 95

We can see, while OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE is '', CBO calculated so much join orders, no wonder it cost that long time.
We can set hidden parameter “_OPTIMIZER_MAX_PERMUTATIONS” to limit the max number of join orders CBO could pick.
After I tested to set _OPTIMIZER_MAX_PERMUTATIONS=50, the SQL parsing time reduced from 13 seconds to 6 seconds.
But this parameter was also not acceptable to me since it influenced too much.

Let us review the join orders in 10053 trace file, here is one sample:

Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Considering multiple instances based initial join order.
Best join order so far: 358
CBO found the best join order at the 358th,so if we limited _OPTIMIZER_MAX_PERMUTATIONS to a small value,we may miss this join order as our best plan.

 We can see there are 14 tables there, in theory, the maximum join orders could be 14*13*12*11*....*3*2*1=87178291200. 
Of course CBO won't be that stupid to test all the 87178291200 join orders. 
Based on its rules, CBO ignored most join orders which are destined to be low effective. 

And what we really need to do, is through turning some of CBO's specific parameters, we limit choices of CBO. 
The less of useless join orders that CBO tries, the less of parse time is needed. 
Next, I went to review the low parsing SQLs themselves. 
And I noticed that they have some common symbols, such as they all contains lots of tables and complex View, as well as nested child query within IN/EXIST. 

 So then I begain to test some of parameters related to unnest and merge:
alter session set query_rewrite_enabled = false; 
alter session set"_optimizer_table_expansion"=false;
alter session set "_and_pruning_enabled"=false;
alter session set "_subquery_pruning_enabled"=false;
alter session set "_optimizer_fast_access_pred_analysis" =false;
alter session set "_optimizer_sortmerge_join_enabled"   = false;
alter session set "_optimizer_sortmerge_join_inequality" = false;

None of above parameters were working. I reviewed of the parameters and noticed below test I did:

And this caught my attention::

OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE controls a bunch of CBO related parameters, and changing OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE equals changing bundles of those CBO parameters together. 

In my previous working experience, I knew there was a parameter introduced in
And this parameter has caused a lot off issues since it was introduced:
I felt this parameter should be the RCA.

Let's test this parameter, from below I saw while the parameter changing, the behavior of the SQL costed 13 seconds to parse initially:

alter session set "_optimizer_cost_based_transformation"=exhaustive;    ---- Elapsed: 00:00:14.11
alter session set "_optimizer_cost_based_transformation"=iterative;     ---- Elapsed: 00:00:13.71
alter session set "_optimizer_cost_based_transformation"=linear;        ---- Elapsed: 00:00:13.97
alter session set "_optimizer_cost_based_transformation"=on;            ---- Elapsed: 00:00:13.97
alter session set "_optimizer_cost_based_transformation"=off;           ---- Elapsed: 00:00:03.05
After setting it to off, the parsing time reduced to 3 seconds.

And later, I did more tests and turned a few more parameters, including:
alter session set "_b_tree_bitmap_plans"=false; (cause I saw some useless bitmap plan judgement in 10053 trace)
alter session set "optimizer_index_cost_adj" = 50;

And finally, the parsing time for the SQL reduced to 1 second from 13 seconds. And all the issue SQLs reduced 90%+ percent of parsing time.

Conclusion, let me make it a bit more clear:
A SQL's running has two major steps:
1. PARSE : this step oracle translate the SQL and find a best execution plan for the SQL.
2. Execution : this step, oracle execute with the execution plan generated at step 1 and return the data.

In very most cases, the SQL's time is mainly consumed at step 2 and for that we turn execution plans, we add indexes etc.

But in our case, due to the SQL is too complex, oracle cost too much time at step 1 while step 2 is quite fast.

For some issue SQLs, there are sometimes around 14 join tables. (A view can be made by multiple tables.)
So, now, oracle calculated a maxmum 14*13*12*....*3*2*1's possible join orders for the 14 tables.
Finally, after 60 seconds, oracle say:
ok, I have done my research and find a best plan, by using this specific plan, the SQL's execution can be done in 1 second.

I must say oracle is totally right.
But as you can see now, our problem is not:
" by using this specific plan, the SQL's execution can be done in 1 second."

Our problem is oracle spend 60 seconds to find out that best plan.

I changed those parameters:
alter session set "_optimizer_cost_based_transformation"=off;
alter session set "_b_tree_bitmap_plans"=false;
alter session set "optimizer_index_cost_adj" = 50;

It doesn't mean I was not statistic with previous plan oracle found and I want to change them.
For example,
Before I set "_b_tree_bitmap_plans"=false, oracle will consider these execution plans for a SQL:
1. table1 table2: no bitmap
2. table2 table1: no bitmap
3. table1 table2: bitmap
4. table2 table1: bitmap

and oracle finally picks:
1. table1 table2: no bitmap

Then I set "_b_tree_bitmap_plans"=false;
That will help oracle to know that it doesn't need to consider bitmap execution plans, so oracle will consider only below two plans:
1. table1 table2: no bitmap
2. table2 table1: no bitmap

And still at last oracle picks this plan:
1. table1 table2: no bitmap

We can see oracle picks up a same plan at last, but due to the fact oracle has less to consider, the time oracle costs at PRASE is reduced.

So, the purpose that I changed all the parameters was to limit oracle's choices.

As a result, still oracle may pick up a same execution plan, or a different one, but again, that is irrelevant as step EXECUTION was not the bottleneck in our case and not our concern.


May 28, 2014

database memory exhausted caused by vmware ballooning(vmmemctl.sys)

One DB frequently crashed.
Here was the entry in alert.log:

Fri Oct 11 04:11:22 2013
Errors in file c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\qprod\bdump\qprod_arc0_2380.trc:
ORA-00202: Message 202 not found; No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=ORA; arguments: [E:\ORACLE\ORADATA\QPROD\CONTROL02.CTL]
ORA-27091: Message 27091 not found; No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=ORA
ORA-27070: Message 27070 not found; No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=ORA
OSD-04006: ReadFile() failure, unable to read from file
O/S-Error: (OS 1453) Insufficient quota to complete the requested service.

Database failed to perform a IO on its controlfile, reason OS error 1453, hence database terminated.
Below is Microsoft explanation for OS error 1453:

WORKING_SET is a memory structure.
Above error indicates Oracle failed to locate memory from physical memory.

From trace file we could see there was not sufficient physical memory when the DB crashed.
Dump file c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\qprod\bdump\qprod_arc0_2380.trc
Fri Oct 11 04:11:15 2013
ORACLE V10. - 64bit Production vsnsta=0
vsnsql=14 vsnxtr=3
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Windows NT Version V5.2 Service Pack 2
CPU                 : 4 - type 8664, 4 Physical Cores
Process Affinity    : 0x0000000000000000
Memory (Avail/Total): Ph:79M/8191M, Ph+PgF:11824M/20032M
Instance name: qprod

In Windows OS event manager, we could see errors that indicating it is a memory issue:

Based on above, the Error DB got was due to server memory exhausted during the issue period.
(Note that due to out of memory, different oracle processes might die with different ORA- errors and symbols in alert.log, but root is clear: out of memory.)

We configured tool to monitor the server's memory usage.
From the log we could see during the issue period, 2.8GB free memory was consumed in a few minutes:

We infer 2.8GB free memory were all consumed up in two minutes. Then database died. Later memory were released. (due to database was died there were more free memory later).

I checked the activity history inside the database including PGA and SGA history and I could see there was no activity and the memory usage of database was stable and not changed during the issue period.

So since then we were working on identifying which external process suddenly consumed all the memory during that period.

The most wired part was, from system overall logs, all available memory was consumed up in a few minutes, but when we looked into each single process' monitoring log, each process' memory usage is stable and not changed during the issue period.

It was a truth that all memory were consumed, but seems in the monitor log files, no process was admitted to be responsible for that.

Since the issue always happened at around 4:00 AM Local time, so then I logged into station at 4:00 AM and monitored the system closely for a few days.
And I can see above issue persists everyday 4:00 AM, some days database died due to the memory exhausted, someday database hang on until the memory released and survived.

For passed a few days, I tried different debug tools to walk into the kernel, until today, I noticed that during the issue period of time, one strange thread of SYSTEM process coming into active heavily (consumed Rank top CPU -- 13.48%), while it was not there during normal time:

We saw during the issue time, vmmemctl.sys of kernel process suddenly come into active heavily, and very soon Physical Usage raised to 100% from 60%.

Explanation for vmmemctl.sys:
Memory ballooning function is not related to shared/reserved setting in vmware properties.
Memory ballooning is handled through a driver (vmmemctl.sys) that is installed as part of the VMware Tools.
This driver is loaded in the guest OS to interact with the VMkernel and is leveraged to reclaim memory pages when ESX memory resources are in demand and available physical pages cannot meet. requirements.
When memory demands rise on the ESX host, the VMkernel will instruct the balloon driver to "inflate" and consume memory in the running guest OS,
forcing the guest operating system to leverage its own native memory management techniques to handle changing conditions.
Free pages are typically released first, but the guest OS may decide to page some memory out to its pagefile on the virtual disk.
The reclaimed memory is then used by ESX to satisfy memory demands of other running workloads, but will be relinquished back to the guest OS when memory demands decrease by "deflating" the balloon driver.
Balloon driver activity can be viewed either through VirtualCenter performance monitoring graphs or ESXTOP on the local host.

From the explanation, it is clear now that during issue period, memory exhausted on ESX global server, hence it grabs memory from guest OS namely our DB server.

Below are the steps to check the ballooning from ESX host:
a. Run esxtop.
b. Type m for memory
c. Type f for fields
d. Select the letter J for Memory Ballooning Statistics (MCTL)
e. Look at the MCTLSZ value.
MCTLSZ (MB) displays the amount of guest physical memory reclaimed by the balloon driver.

Below are steps to disable memory balloon:
Disabling ballooning via the vSphere Client
To set the maximum balloon size to zero:
1. Using the vSphere Client, connect to the vCenter Server or the ESXi/ESX host where the virtual machine resides.
2. Log into the ESXi/ESX host as a user with administrative rights.
3. Shut down the virtual machine.
4. Right-click the virtual machine listed on the Inventory panel and click Edit Settings.
5. Click the Options tab, then under Advanced, click General.
6. Click Configuration Parameters.
7. Click Add row and add the parameter sched.mem.maxmemctl in the text box.
8. Click on the row next to it and add 0 in the text box.
9. Click OK to save changes.
To re-enable the balloon driver in a virtual machine:
1. Using the vSphere Client, connect to the vCenter Server or the ESXi/ESX host where the virtual machine resides.
2. Shut down the virtual machine if it is powered on.
3. SSH to the ESXi/ESX host. For more information, see Connecting to an ESX host using an SSH client (1019852).
4. Change directory to the datastore where the virtual machine's configuration file resides.
5. Back up the virtual machine's configuration file.
6. Edit the virtual machine's configuration file (virtual_machine_name.vmx) and remove this entry:
sched.mem.maxmemctl = "0"
7. Save and close the file.
8. Power on the virtual machine.
Note: You cannot remove the entry via the Configuration Parameters UI once it has been added. You must edit the configuration file (.vmx) for the virtual machine to remove the entry.
Disabling ballooning via the Windows registry
To disable ballooning on the virtual machine:
Note: This procedure modifies the Windows registry. Before making any registry modifications, ensure that you have a current and valid backup of the registry and the virtual machine. For more information on backing up and restoring the registry, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 136393.
1. Log into the guest OS.
2. Click Start > Run, type regedit, and press Enter. The Registry Editor window opens.
3. Navigate to:
4. Change the Start key from 2 to 4.
5. Save the setting and restart the guest OS.
Disabling ballooning via VMware Tools uninstallation/reinstallation
1. Uninstall VMware Tools from the guest OS.
2. Reinstall VMware Tools using the Custom Settings option, and deselect the Memory Control Drivers.
